Black History Month

Women's History Month



High School


Civic Organizations

Black Women Leaders:

Trailblazers to Ceiling Breakers

Join us for an inspiring journey through history as we celebrate the remarkable legacy of Black women leaders. In this powerful keynote speech, Shemeka Brathwaite dynamically illuminates the captivating stories of these fearless pioneers who bravely challenged societal conventions and broke through barriers, leaving an indelible mark on history and inspiring the next generation. The presentation also highlights contemporary determined women in diverse arenas who have excelled in their industry. Their remarkable legacy transcends boundaries, serving as a catalyst to shape and ignite inspiration within leaders worldwide.

 Discover the power of Shemeka Brathwaite's transformative programs page, where you can schedule an event to experience her dynamic and impactful messages. Learn how to leverage your Distinctive Factor and make an indispensable impact in the marketplace. Let Shemeka inspire you to go from overwhelmed to exceeding expectations and empower your staff to deliver peak performance.


Shemeka's dynamic and transformational messages are the result of her background as a professional spoken word artist and storyteller while leveraging her expertise in adult learning methodologies. Shemeka equips professionals to gain more influence and greater impact with her memorable “Seeds to Exceed” strategies, activities, tools, and assessments.


If you want to have a passionate, inspired workforce, it begins with you: the leader. But it can be a challenge if you are worried, overwhelmed and worn out. In this high-energy motivational message, Shemeka Brathwaite inspires leaders to:


  • Go from worried, overwhelmed, and worn out. to a "WOW Factor" that exceeds service expectations.

  • Communicate and connect with staff so they are influenced to operate at their optimal best and deliver peak performance.

  • Leverage your time by delegating assignments that stretch and provide learning opportunities for the next generation of leaders in your organization.

Through her dynamic and engaging message, Shemeka Brathwaite shows high potential millennial professionals how to access and leverage their Distinctive Factor (™), so they can personally make an indispensable notable impact within the marketplace.

Professionals will capitalize on their signature strengths by learning how to:

  • Define success and the key ingredients to operate at peak performance.

  • Present personal excellence through leadership and professional executive presence.

  • Develop networking strategies that lead to profitable intergenerational relationships.

  • Assert the mindset to take ownership in executing a results-driven actioned based professional development plan.

Revitalizing Leadership Through Intentional Renewal

The current affairs demand that we have a new outlook on delivering organizational goals to key stakeholders. In some cases, it needs to be accomplished with limited staff, time, and resources to work with. In this program, program participants will learn how to:


  • Focus on establishing systems that help you decide how your time and energy are needed most based on the goals you want to achieve.

  • Work strategically in your personal and professional life, so you can operate at a high-performance level.

  • Defining moments that have the power to instill panic or prompt you to pivot.

  • Learn how leading women show up and show out.

people in a meeting

Leading With Impact: 

5 Shifts to Maximize Your Time & Achieve Extraordinary Results

You Distinctive Factor:

How to Play to Your Strengths and W.I.N.

 Discover the power of Shemeka Brathwaite's transformative programs page, where you can schedule an event to experience her dynamic and impactful messages. Learn how to leverage your Distinctive Factor and make an indispensable impact in the marketplace. Let Shemeka inspire you to go from overwhelmed to exceeding expectations and empower your staff to deliver peak performance.


person holding a coffee mug "like a boss"
women smiling
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