The Scale Your Time self-guided online training program offers a comprehensive approach to improving time management skills. With additional instructional videos, worksheets, templates, and resources, participants can enhance their productivity and efficiency. This program is the perfect complement the Scale Your Time group coaching program, providing a more personalized and flexible learning experience. Available as a premium enrollment option with a pay-in-full bonus, participants can access valuable tools and strategies to optimize their time management capabilities.

Through practical tips, real-life examples, and actionable strategies, readers will learn how to tactfully decline obligations, prioritize their well-being, and cultivate fulfilling relationships built on mutual respect. "Learning When to Say No" is guidebook and reflection journal for those seeking to create space for what truly matters in their lives, leading to enhanced self-esteem, improved mental health, and a renewed sense of agency. Embrace the power of 'no' and unlock a world of possibilities. It's time to say 'yes' to yourself.

Scale Your Time is a cohort based group coaching program, specifically designed for busy professional women leaders to help them to take control of their time and get more done while maintaining healthy mindsets and habits. 


You’ll feel more in control of your time, you’ll get more done, and be able to take the time to live the life you want. You’ll finally be able to step back, take a deep breath, and see the bigger picture.


Here’s what is included in the Scale Your Time program:


  • You will learn how to break down time-to-results goals into manageable steps.


  • Develop systems and processes to achieve those goals and build the right mindset to ensure consistent focus and productivity.


  • Learn how to best manage and motivate yourself to achieve your goals and increase your impact. 


Shaneeva N.
Zavi G.



3 High Impact Sessions

The Scale Your Time audio affirmation program is designed to help you  through a variety of soothing affirmations and calming music, This program can assist you in achieving a more balanced and productive day comfortably on the go.

Here is a recap of the FULL Scale Your Time Program

Yes, I am READY to work with Shemeka!


TOTAL VALUE:  $1,275

Shemeka Brathwaite, MSEd is a leadership productivity expert, TEDx speaker and executive coach. After spending over a decade in adult and higher education, Shemeka Brathwaite established her own virtual training academy for career women. She is often invited by organizations, associations and educational institutions to provide inspiring programs on productivity, leadership and executive presence. Her immersive training programs help professionals learn how to implement new systems that streamline the demands on one’s time, so they can achieve more at work, increase their influence, and live intentionally. Currently, she is completing her doctorate in Community-Based Organizational Leadership at the College of Staten Island. Her research is on work-life balance, intersectionality and role conflict theory among executive and non-profit leaders.


Learn more at

Meet Your Instructor

shemeka in a classroom

Frequently Asked Questions



3- Monthly Payments

*Enrollment fee will increase to $697 for Spring 2025.


Crush Your Goals with Strategic Time Management: Play Video!


⇨ You're fed up with the constant struggle to carve out time for your goals and are eager for a transformative solution.

⇨ You're not just interested – you're ready and motivated to roll up your sleeves and construct an intentional life filled with purpose.

⇨ You genuinely crave actionable goals that are not only high in value but also deliver a powerful impact on your life and aspirations.

⇨ You're dedicated to not just managing but maximizing your time, recognizing the value of systematic processes in achieving lasting success.



⇨ You're not interested in securing those Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals that set your soul on fire.

⇨ You're not prepared to put in the effort, and instead, find comfort in making excuses for leaving tasks unaccomplished.

⇨ You're unwilling to make the investment – not just in the program but in yourself and your future success. Scale Your Time thrives on commitment, and if you're not ready to invest in your growth, this program might not be the right fit for you.


Yes, I am READY to work with Shemeka!

This three-session program provides a holistic approach to mastering your time, from strategic envisioning to practical implementation and personal development. Join us on this transformative journey to unlock the full potential of your time and achieve unparalleled success.

imagine implement improve








This portal is not just a space; it's a vault of resources, a hub for strategic planning, and a dynamic project management software tailored to your unique journey.


Imagine a seamless experience where your goals are not just aspirations but tangible projects with automated tasks, ensuring you stay on track effortlessly. Our client portal is your ally, simplifying the complexities of time management and transforming your ambitions into actionable steps.


But here's the magic – the journey doesn't end with the program. Even after you've conquered your initial goals, your portal remains at your disposal. It's a perpetual space where you can continue to add, refine, and accomplish new objectives as you evolve. SCALE YOUR TIME doesn't just teach time management; it empowers you to maintain control over your time long after the program concludes. 


person frustrated working

Session 3: IMPROVE - Personal Growth and Executive Presence



Shift your focus to the most critical skills and values for personal growth and professional development. Learn to make time for these priorities and enhance your executive presence for maximum impact before, during, and after significant events.


Key Learning Objectives:

  • Personal Growth Prioritization: Identify and prioritize necessary skills and values for your personal and professional growth.


  • Executive Presence Mastery: Enhance your executive presence to make a lasting impression in any professional or personal setting.


  • Event Management Skills: Learn strategies to manage your time effectively before, during, and after significant events.



  • Development of crucial skills for personal and professional growth.
  • Elevated executive presence for impactful interactions.
  • Improved time management skills during events and key moments.


Session 2: IMPLEMENT - Time Management Mastery



Dive into the practical aspect of time management, focusing on implementation strategies to achieve more with less effort. Discover the art of execution, automation, and delegation to streamline your workflow and gain back valuable time.


Key Learning Objectives:

  • Execution Excellence: Learn how to effectively execute tasks and projects to maximize results.


  • Automation with Technology: Explore tools and technologies that can automate routine tasks and enhance productivity.


  • Delegation Mastery: Develop skills to delegate tasks to your team or family, freeing up time for high-priority activities.



  • Increased efficiency in daily tasks and project execution.
  • Mastery of time-saving technologies.
  • Enhanced ability to delegate effectively.


Session 1: IMAGINE - Strategic Time Vision



Unlock the power of strategic decision-making and visualize your journey to success. In this module, you'll delve into the psychology behind effective time management, understanding the importance of your time and its impact on productivity. Harness the skills of productive thinking to set audacious goals and gain efficiency.


Key Learning Objectives:

  • Strategic Decision-Making: Develop the ability to make informed and strategic decisions about how to invest your time for maximum impact.


  • Visual Roadmap Creation: Learn to create a visual roadmap that aligns with your goals, helping you stay focused and motivated.


  • Productive Thinking Skills: Understand and apply productive thinking techniques to efficiently navigate through tasks and challenges.



  • Improved understanding of the psychological aspects of time management.
  • Enhanced skills in setting and achieving strategic goals.
  • Increased efficiency in managing time and tasks.
Module 3 improve
Module 2 implement
module 1 imagine


Balancing work, passion, and family was an everyday struggle for me. In my sessions with Shemeka, she consistently steps in with fresh ideas and strategies that help me to work toward my goals without ignoring my day-to-day responsibilities.


Shaneeva N.

With her sense of humor, Shemeka provided practical strategies and team building activities. She is creative and technology savvy. Shemeka is passionate about helping others meet their optimal performance.


Zavi G.

Over the course of ten years, I have focused on serving my community with professional development training that they WANT and saw massive success. I teach my clients how to build systems so that their time can be focused on their priorities. 


I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from working in the fashion industry, non-profit, higher education and entrepreneurship, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the high level theory, but the actual EXECUTION of how you can do the same.


I have a passion for teaching people techniques, so they can create structure and systems in order to make time for what matters most. I will help you identify your values, so you can live a life that is consistent with them. 


I want to live a life that is meaningful to me and that I can be proud of. I've learned that when I focused on helping other women, they in turn are able to impact others.


As soon as I switched from allowing my time to be proactive instead of reactive, that is when I began to feel like I was living out my God-given purpose.


So what caused this change?


  • I realized that I have the same 24 hours in each day as any other successful person I admire.

  • I realize that if I wanted to accomplish audacious goals in my life, I was responsible for finding and maximizing my time to make it happen.

  • I realized that my time is a valuable, precious gift that is irreplaceable.

  • I realized that when it comes to my time, there are ways to work smarter and not harder.


And I want this for you too.




Yes, I am READY to double my productivity!


Does this sound familiar?

Here's what I've learned... 


More than likely, it's not that you can't automate your time— it's that you feel like you lack the systems of WHAT activities to prioritize and HOW to implement the plan.




A lot of the clients I work with are natural go getters in most areas of their careers and leadership roles. The challenge is making everything seamlessly work together, so they can continually have more time to implement and crush their audacious goals.


There are three huge mistakes I see when people try to reclaim their time:


  • Spending BIG time on SMALL stuff.

  • Struggle with the HOW.

  • And don’t have ACCOUNTABILITY.

Trust me when I say that I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you are not the master of your time, and the clock seems to be a master to a system that you don't control.


I get it.






You know you need to be more productive and organized, but you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed and distracted from all your projects at work, leadership obligations and family responsibilities.


You tried to be more productive, but you’ve never seemed to be able to stick to any system. You delay or procrastinate on "securing your BHAG" (big hairy audacious goals) because you don't have time to execute your ideas. You wish you had more productive hours in a day so you can enjoy the things that matter the most to you and get things done.


 All the resources and support you need to double your productivity in 90-days WITHOUT overwhelm!


Yes, I am READY to work with Shemeka!

Shemeka Brathwaite Enterprises LLC

How much time do I need to invest in this program?

Embarking on the Scale Your Time journey is designed to fit seamlessly into your life. The curriculum follows a 30-Day roadmap, offering a structured framework that extends beyond the initial month. The lessons are self-paced, allowing you to learn at your convenience, and the best part – you'll have "lifetime" access to the rich resources. The program management projects and tasks are tailored to the duration of your specific goals, ensuring a flexible and personalized experience.


What are the technical requirements for this course?

To maximize your experience, we recommend access to high-speed internet, and for optimal viewing, a desktop is ideal. Additionally, you can effortlessly access the client portal by saving the app to your mobile home screen, giving you the flexibility to engage with the program from various devices.


What is the refund policy?

Given the digital nature of your purchase, activated software is considered "used" after download or opening, making it non-refundable. However, if we find that the product or service remains unused or unactivated within the first 14 days, we're happy to accommodate refund requests. This includes also includes not attending the launch session and not accessing the recording would be considered unused services.


What happens if I can not make it to the group coaching sessions?

Life can be unpredictable, and we understand. The group coaching program dates and times will be shared in advance, allowing you to plan accordingly. Fear not – if you miss a session, recordings will be readily available for your access. 


Is the 2-hour live "Kick-Off" session mandatory, and what if I can't attend it live?

While attendance at the live "Kick-Off" Planning session is encouraged, it's not mandatory. The session will be recorded for on-demand access, ensuring you won't miss any valuable content.


Do I get 1:1 access to Shemeka?

While the Scale Your Time program is a DIY eCourse, our group coaching programs provide invaluable access to Shemeka within a group setting. You'll have the chance to be in the "hot seat" for laser coaching, receiving constructive feedback from the group. Limited individual coaching programs are also available for a more personalized experience.


How personalized is the support from Shemeka within the limited cohort?

Enrollment is intentionally limited to maintain a personalized experience. Shemeka provides hands-on support throughout the program. You'll occasionally receive invitations to Q&A sessions and quarterly accountability check-ins via video conference or chat office hours, ensuring direct interaction and guidance.


How do the periodic Q&A sessions and accountability check-ins work?

You'll receive invitations to these sessions periodically throughout the year. They may include open Q&A sessions, where you can directly ask Shemeka questions, and quarterly accountability check-ins via video conference or chat office hours to keep you on track with your goals.


What results can I expect working with Shemeka?

Your journey with Scale Your Time is a collaboration, and your results are directly correlated with your commitment. Shemeka is here to offer strategic guidance and accountability, ensuring you take massive action towards your goals. No room for procrastination or overwhelm – just momentum and progress.


What qualifications does Shemeka have?

Shemeka is equipped with a Master’s in Adult Education and Human Resource Development from Fordham University, a Bachelor of Science from Syracuse University, and a Women in Education Leadership certificate from Harvard University. As a certified life coach through New York University and an MBTI practitioner, Shemeka is currently completing her doctorate in Community-Based Leadership at the City University of New York.


I have never worked in a group coaching environment. How is confidentiality managed?

Confidentiality is paramount, and Shemeka adheres to the ethical standards outlined by the International Coaching Federation and the National Speakers Association. Every participant in our coaching programs signs a confidentiality agreement, creating a secure space for open dialogue and shared insights.


I have registered, what happens next? How do I get access to the course materials?

Fantastic! Once registered, expect a comprehensive welcome email providing detailed guidance on your program. This includes direct links to access your client portal, project management tool, and an array of invaluable resources. Get ready to dive into a transformative experience!


Can I access the program content after the specified launch dates?

Yes, you'll have continued access to the Scale Your Time eCourse, community board, and project management portal even after the launch dates. This flexibility allows you to learn and implement at your own pace.


What's included in the enrollment fee?

Your enrollment covers a dynamic 2-hour live group Strategic Planning session, full access to the Scale Your Time Ecourse (lessons, videos, worksheets), entry to our online community board, and exclusive access to our project management portal. Additionally, you'll be part of a limited cohort with hands-on support from Shemeka and invitations to Q&A sessions and accountability check-ins.


Will this program be offered again and at this price?

Absolutely, your keen interest in our program is much appreciated! However, I must share that the current pricing and benefits structure is exclusive to this offering. As we continue to enhance and expand the program based on participant feedback and evolving content, the pricing is subject to increase in the future, and there may be adjustments to the benefits provided. So, if you're considering joining, now is the perfect time to seize this opportunity and lock in the current price along with the comprehensive benefits outlined in the current plan. Your commitment to Scale Your Time now ensures you not only receive maximum value but also secures your spot at the best possible terms.


If you have any additional questions, please feel free to email

or set up a clarity call before enrolling in the Scale Your Time Program.

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