Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels, treading water, or being pulled in more than one direction? Are you ready to break through to the next level of performance and experience more freedom, more joy, and more purpose? Join us for our next FREE online training series, "Women Leading with Impact: 3 Shifts to Scale Your Time and Achieve Extraordinary Goals."


This webinar is a must-have for every woman who wants to lead a life of impact. Throughout the presentation, I will share with you the 3 shifts that will allow you to maximize your time and achieve extraordinary results in your career and life. These 3 shifts will change the way you use your time, your mind, your habits, and your systems, and will transform your efforts to be worthwhile.

In this masterclass, you learn new ways to scale your time to achieve extraordinary goals.


Live FREE Masterclass!   Register to Attend Today!

Women Leading with Impact: 3 Shifts to Scale Your Time & Achieve Extraordinary Goals

Facilitator Bio

Shemeka Brathwaite, MSEd is a Leadership Productivity Expert, TEDx  Speaker, and academic leader in the School of Education at one of the nation's largest public universities. She is often invited by organizations, associations, and educational institutions to provide inspiring programs on productivity and executive presence. Her current research and immersive training programs help professionals learn how to implement new systems that streamline the demands on one’s time, so they can achieve more at work, increase their influence, and live intentionally. Learn more at

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