Shemeka Brathwaite, MSED is a peak performance strategist, keynote speaker, and coach. She is often invited by organizations, associations, and educational institutions to provide inspiring programs on productivity, leadership, and executive presence. Her immersive training programs help professionals learn how to implement new systems that streamline the demands on one’s time, so they can achieve more at work, increase their influence, and live intentionally.
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It's difficult to find someone who has never struggled with procrastination. It's so widespread because most individuals naturally avoid doing things they don't want to do.
Procrastination may be a more difficult challenge for you to overcome on certain days than others. It's possible that one day you'll feel like getting out of bed and the next you won't. While everyone has a terrible day now and again, it's also a good idea to break the habit of procrastination.
Consider following these tips:
1. Take small steps. When you're putting off starting a large project it may be because it seems like a huge task that'll eat up all of your time. Instead of expecting yourself to work for hours on end, try starting with 10 minutes. This will get you going on it and then it will be easier to continue.
2. Begin with little steps. It's possible that you're putting off starting a significant project because it appears to be a massive undertaking that will consume all of your time. Try starting with 10 minutes instead of expecting to work for hours. This will get you started, and it will be easier to continue after that.
3. Make a strategy. When your goals are unclear, it's simple to stay on the path of procrastination. If necessary, set a firm deadline for yourself. Make a list of the tasks you need to perform, as well as the specifics of those tasks. It's a means of holding oneself responsible for what you accomplish or don't accomplish during the day.
4. Get to the bottom of the issue. There may be an underlying explanation for your procrastination on a certain topic. You might not be able to pinpoint this cause unless you give it some serious thought. You might be able to solve your procrastination problem for that specific issue if you can pinpoint the cause.
5. Reward yourself for your efforts. While a break may appear to be a reward, you can promise yourself additional prizes for finishing difficult tasks. Make a decision about something you desire to have or do. Allow yourself this indulgence once you've done your current assignment.
6. Have faith in yourself. You develop a passion for life and an energy that will help you get through the day when you believe in yourself. You have the power to overcome procrastination and achieve your life's ultimate goals if you believe in yourself.
7. Start with the task that you despise the most. When you have a lot of things to do in a day, start with the one that's hanging over your head. While you may be procrastinating on all of them, your day will better once the difficult ones are completed.
8. Make time for pleasant activities as well! It's crucial to set aside time for oneself, therefore include fun activities in your daily routine. Because your to-do list is frequently full of unpleasant things, you should also include pleasure activities.
Use these tactics to help you overcome procrastination, and you'll soon notice that a lot of your tension has dissipated, leaving you with more time to do the things you enjoy!
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