Shemeka Brathwaite, MSED is a peak performance strategist, keynote speaker, and coach. She is often invited by organizations, associations, and educational institutions to provide inspiring programs on productivity, leadership, and executive presence. Her immersive training programs help professionals learn how to implement new systems that streamline the demands on one’s time, so they can achieve more at work, increase their influence, and live intentionally.
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Everyone goes through a period where life feels out of control and imbalanced. It's perfectly normal! But how can you achieve a balance in these hectic times?
Understanding what balance truly means is the first step toward creating a balanced lifestyle. Life balance doesn't necessarily mean giving equal amounts of time or attention to each part of your life. That's the big myth!
Life balance is about knowing when to give a little more effort, when it's time to call it quits, and when everything feels just right.
These six tips will help you strike a better balance in life:
1. Make time for you. Realize that you're important and valuable. Taking care of your happiness (and sanity) is an essential part of creating a balanced life. Even if for just two hours each week, put everyone else's needs aside and focus on you!
2. Strive for a healthy lifestyle. Both exercise and a conscious diet are necessary in order to remain healthy and happy. Set aside 30-minutes each week to exercise. Your workout can be anything under the sun, as long as it keeps you active.
3. Leave work in the office. There's a reason you have a work schedule: your employer is only willing to pay you for a specific amount of time each day. Do your family a favor and leave work at work. Avoid overworking yourself if there isn't a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
4. Make time for love. Rekindle the romance by making thoughtful gestures. Bring home a candle in her favorite scent, send roses to the workplace, or maybe even hire a maid so your wife can spend more time doing the things she loves. Spend quality, uninterrupted time with your spouse.
5. Live within your means. If your finances are causing you stress, it's time to reassess your budget. Make budget cuts in order to proactively work towards achieving your financial goals.
6. Socialize. Hanging out with friends allows you to unwind and have a few laughs. Make it a point to meet up with friends at least once each month. Go out to dinner or host a get together in your home.
Leading an unbalanced lifestyle is one of the leading causes of stress for professionals. Inability to cope with stress can cause numerous health problems, such as weight gain, migraines and even heart complications. Fortunately, you can be the exception. You can ward off health problems by nipping stress in the bud.
You are now empowered, equipped, and ready to create balance in your life! Practice these strategies each day and, one day soon, you'll feel the harmony of a balanced life.
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